March 01, 2012

March releases

Hello, everyone!
We have some releases for you:

March 1: volume 4 of I Will Be Cinderella!!!
(joint with Rosa Negra)

March 2: we start a new volume of World! Bring It on!
Check the first chapter of volume 9!

March 7: we release chapter 5 of Honggane.
With this we finish volume 10!
Look forward to the FINAL volume!

March 17: we have World! Bring It on! v09 c02.
Happy St. Patrick's Day if you celebrate it!

And as always, we're recruiting more staff.
At the moment, we are in need of KOREAN TRANSLATORS & EDITORS!
So, please apply! :)

1 comment:

  1. thanks for the new releases! im so sad that honggane is ending in one more volume! but thanks a ton!!!
